A collection of works during my time in Istanbul

Fikirtepe Status Quo / 2016
Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Fikirtepe is an illusive apparition. The defragmented wasteland is in a state between going and gone, as the bones of architecture taken on new forms to create spaces that are neither inside or outside, neither completely real or completely imagined, neither deserted or vivid.

This is an attempt to spotlight the remaining spaces, which people lived in and now live beside, until they clear the way forever.

Istanbul Design Biennale
Proposal for the open Call of the 3d Istanbul Design Biennale 2016
“Are We Human? / Biz insam miyiz?
Strongly influenced by internet and mediaculture, the video installation questions the current state, where everything is designed, from our carefully crafted individual looks and online identities, to the surrounding galaxies of personal devices, new materials, interfaces, networks, systems, infrastructures, data, etc.
- Design is always design of the human
- The human is the designing animal
- Our species is completely suspended in endless layers of design
- Design radically expands human capability
- Design routinely constructs radical inequalities
- Design is even the design of neglect
- “Good design” is an anesthetic
In collaboration with my brothers Christoph and Johannes Siebler

Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi

INCUBATOR functions as a mixed-use structure, platforming cultural and educational institutions.